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Book of Daniel


Following the fall of Jerusalem, in 605 BC, Daniel is held captive by king Nebuchadnezzar. But Daniel works his way up and becomes one of the king's key advisors. His appointment causes resentment to the members of the king's court. So, they force Daniel to choose between his faith in God and his faith in the king. Daniel chooses God, putting his life in serious danger. Fortunately, God shows mercy and Daniel is saved.

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Movie details
True Story, Bible
Francesco Curá, Kevin Blake, Kevin McCorkle, Ben Maccabee, Andrew Bongiorno, Philip Anthony-Rodriguez, Peter Kluge, Robert Miano, Lance Henriksen, Alton Demore, Liam Matthews, Rolf Saxon, Drew Cardillo, Alice Amter, Anthony L. Fernandez
Anna Zielinski
Release date
88 min
Verenigde Staten
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Following the fall of Jerusalem, in 605 BC, Daniel is held captive by king Nebuchadnezzar. But Daniel works his way up and becomes one of the king's key advisors. His appointment causes resentment to the members of the king's court. So, they force Daniel to choose between his faith in God and his faith in the king. Daniel chooses God, putting his life in serious danger. Fortunately, God shows mercy and Daniel is saved.

Book of Daniel

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