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Nathan's mother unexpectedly flies to Japan to help with the tsunami, but goes missing when a bridge collapses on which she was working. When Nathan overhears a phonecall with his father George, he discovers that George isn't his real dad. Scared to be placed into foster care, 10-year-old Nathan runs away from home. On the streets of Detroit he meets Iraqi vet Miles, and later also the 10-year-old Jesse, who lets Nathan secretly stay in his basement. Jesse's house also has a big piano and when Nathan starts to play, he turns out to be a gifted virtuoso. But when Jesse's mother finds out her son is hiding Nathan in the basement, she reunites him with his father George. But until Child Care Services has sorted out all necessary paperwork, Nathan needs to stay at the orphanage. When the children find out the orphanage will be shut down, they decide to set up a fundraiser in which Nathan plays the star role on the piano. After the big success, Nathan still feels empty with his mother still missing. But - anything is possible?
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A sweet and inspiring story which beautifully show-cases Ethans gifts as well as societal concerns worthy of our loving support.
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