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In collaboration with Opwekking, a new contemplation can be viewed every day towards Pentecost. These are provided by the speakers who will also speak during the Opwekking conference. They all speak on the theme: But we see Jesus This theme can be found in the letter to the Hebrews 2:9 (HSV), which refers to the fact that Jesus has gone ahead of us in the plan that God has for us. Although we still see the brokenness in our own lives and in the world around us that is the result of the Fall, we may turn our eyes to Him who is crowned with glory and honor. When we see Jesus, we gain a clear perspective on life, others, and ourselves. We see the unrest and uncertainty around us - and what this does to ourselves: how we too can become anxious and worried, or convinced of our own right and rigid in our opinion. At the same time, we know that everything is in God's hands, and that we are safe. But how clearly do we still see that? The Hebrews writer then says: in the midst of everything, despite everything and through everything, we see Jesus. With a focus on Him, we can live with confidence, in the here and now and towards the future. A life of worship and surrender makes us come to know Him as He is, see more clearly, and serve in a world that needs Jesus. But we see Jesus, because from Him the here and now gets relief and color. But we see Jesus because our perspective on eternity ensures that we always know we are safe. But we see Jesus, because we always become like what we see the most.