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Storm: Letters van Vuur


In the 16th century, Storm's father is caught by the Inquisition while printing a secret pamphlet by Martin Luther. After his father is arrested, Storm manages to obtain the original printing letters. Fleeing for his life, he gets help from Marieke, an orphan girl living in the sewers. Now he faces a race against time to save his father from the stake.

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Movie details
Juna de Leeuw, Peter van den Begin, Yorick van Wageningen, Davy Gomez, Luc Feit, Angela Schijf
Dennis Bots
Release date
100 min
1-0-storm-letters-van-vuur quote image
In the 16th century, Storm's father is caught by the Inquisition while printing a secret pamphlet by Martin Luther. After his father is arrested, Storm manages to obtain the original printing letters. Fleeing for his life, he gets help from Marieke, an orphan girl living in the sewers. Now he faces a race against time to save his father from the stake.

Storm: Letters van Vuur

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