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Save the Mill


Smashed windows, a destroyed hedge and a broken mill wheel; despite mysterious destruction to his old mill, the bad-tempered grandfather Fellinger does not hesitate to sell it. Leon and Luisa, who have just come to live in the neighborhood, feel the same way... German children's book This feature film is based on the children's book 'Verteidigt die Mühle' by Eckart zur Nieden. It is a fun and exciting detective film, in which the themes of honesty, guilt and forgiveness are addressed in a good way. The film is spoken in German, but the subtitles are in Dutch.

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Movie details
Kids, Family
Eberhard Müller, Ingrid Gerhardt, Andreas Krenzer, Nathalie Franz
Wolf-Dieter Kretschmer
Release date
70 min
1-0-red-de-molen quote image
Smashed windows, a destroyed hedge and a broken mill wheel; despite mysterious destruction to his old mill, the bad-tempered grandfather Fellinger does not hesitate to sell it. Leon and Luisa, who have just come to live in the neighborhood, feel the same way... German children's book This feature film is based on the children's book 'Verteidigt die Mühle' by Eckart zur Nieden. It is a fun and exciting detective film, in which the themes of honesty, guilt and forgiveness are addressed in a good way. The film is spoken in German, but the subtitles are in Dutch.

Save the Mill

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