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I heard the bells


I Heard the Bells is a poignant film based on the true story of Henry Longfellow, a renowned poet whose life is turned upside down by tragedy and war. Set against the backdrop of a festive Christmas Eve, the Longfellow family is enveloped in the warmth of the holiday spirit, until the looming threat of war and a devastating accident shatter their world. As Henry grapples with the grief of losing his beloved wife Fanny in a tragic fire, he faces the challenges of a father-son conflict as his son Charley enlists in the war despite his disapproval. The touching narrative unfolds with heart-wrenching moments and reveals the profound impact of music and faith. Inspired by Charley's courage and his own journey through grief, Henry pens the timeless Christmas carol 'I Heard the Bells,' showcasing the transformative power of words and God's grace in times of despair. Explore this moving tale of loss, resilience, and hope in 'I Heard the Bells.'

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Movie details
Drama, Family, Christmas
Stephen Atherholt, Rachel Day Hughes, Jonathan Blair
Joshua Enck
Release date
110 min
United States
1-0-i-heard-the-bells quote image

I Heard the Bells is a poignant film based on the true story of Henry Longfellow, a renowned poet whose life is turned upside down by tragedy and war. Set against the backdrop of a festive Christmas Eve, the Longfellow family is enveloped in the warmth of the holiday spirit, until the looming threat of war and a devastating accident shatter their world. As Henry grapples with the grief of losing his beloved wife Fanny in a tragic fire, he faces the challenges of a father-son conflict as his son Charley enlists in the war despite his disapproval. The touching narrative unfolds with heart-wrenching moments and reveals the profound impact of music and faith. Inspired by Charley's courage and his own journey through grief, Henry pens the timeless Christmas carol 'I Heard the Bells,' showcasing the transformative power of words and God's grace in times of despair. Explore this moving tale of loss, resilience, and hope in 'I Heard the Bells.'

I heard the bells

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