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He sends rain


"He Sends Rain" is a Christian feature film about a young man whose perspective is challenged when he is forced to face old wounds. In the beginning of this story, David Conrad is a man who trusts his intellect and his anger about a family tragedy has turned into deep-rooted bitterness. During a visit to David's parental home, Julia, his wife, sees negative changes in David's personality. She tries to uncover the mystery of David's past. In this film, David is forced to confront his own memories, about his relationships and about faith.

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Movie details
Release date
111 min
1-0-he-sends-rain-he-sends-rain quote image
"He Sends Rain" is a Christian feature film about a young man whose perspective is challenged when he is forced to face old wounds. In the beginning of this story, David Conrad is a man who trusts his intellect and his anger about a family tragedy has turned into deep-rooted bitterness. During a visit to David's parental home, Julia, his wife, sees negative changes in David's personality. She tries to uncover the mystery of David's past. In this film, David is forced to confront his own memories, about his relationships and about faith.

He sends rain

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