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Deck the Heart


Christmas is approaching when the handsome wealthy bachelor Chris inherits his grandfather's house. He is expected to uphold the tradition with a grand Christmas party at the mansion. But what if you have no time for it at all? That's why Chris hires Meredith, an event planner who loves Christmas. The better they get to know each other, the more they click...

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Movie details
Romance, Forgiveness, Christmas
Julia Yorks, Joe Kurak, Robert Picardo, Eliza Roberts, Austin Davis, Catherine Mary Stewart
Candice T. Cain
Release date
104 min
Verenigde Staten
1-0-deck-the-heart quote image
Christmas is approaching when the handsome wealthy bachelor Chris inherits his grandfather's house. He is expected to uphold the tradition with a grand Christmas party at the mansion. But what if you have no time for it at all? That's why Chris hires Meredith, an event planner who loves Christmas. The better they get to know each other, the more they click...

Deck the Heart

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