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A Cinderella Christmas


Angie works hard for her uncle's event company, but her cousin Candace always takes the credit. When she picks up a custom-made dress for her job, it turns out the dress was made for her and she decides to go to the Christmasquerade Ball. There, she immediately catches the eye of the wealthy bachelor Nicholas. But before she has to reveal her identity, she leaves the party, leaving Nicholas in his quest to find that mysterious woman. Will they ever see each other again?

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Movie details
Romance, Christmas
Emma Catherine Rigby, Michael Dempsey, Sarah Stouffer, Lesley-Anne Down, Leland B. Martin, Peter Porte
Tosca Musk
Release date
93 min
Verenigde Staten
1-0-a-cinderella-christmas quote image
Angie works hard for her uncle's event company, but her cousin Candace always takes the credit. When she picks up a custom-made dress for her job, it turns out the dress was made for her and she decides to go to the Christmasquerade Ball. There, she immediately catches the eye of the wealthy bachelor Nicholas. But before she has to reveal her identity, she leaves the party, leaving Nicholas in his quest to find that mysterious woman. Will they ever see each other again?

A Cinderella Christmas

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