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When Hope Calls


From the beloved world of When Calls The Heart comes When Hope Calls, a new series that tells the story of sisters Lillian and Grace who open an orphanage in the western town of Brookfield in 1916. Caught between the traditions of cattle ranchers and the ambitions of a growing town, they strive for romance and happiness while overcoming the challenges to help the children they care for.

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Series details
Ava Weiss, Jefferson Brown, Morgan Kohan, Wendy Crewson, Neil Crone, Ryan-James Hatanaka
Bradley Walsh
Release date
Verenigde Staten
1-6-when-hope-calls quote image
From the beloved world of When Calls The Heart comes When Hope Calls, a new series that tells the story of sisters Lillian and Grace who open an orphanage in the western town of Brookfield in 1916. Caught between the traditions of cattle ranchers and the ambitions of a growing town, they strive for romance and happiness while overcoming the challenges to help the children they care for.

When Hope Calls

Season 1

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