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'The Origin' is a documentary series which showcases the stories of some of the country’s most influential Christian personalities and aims to capture each participant's faith journey.
New Faith Network is a streaming service offering a wide range and variety of safe movies.
You can watch as much as you want, whenever you want and how you want, without a single advert. And because all of our movies have been personally checked by our team, our safe content will always be safe for the whole family.
New movies are added on a weekly basis so there’s always something to watch. You get New Faith Network for one low monthly price, and without any commitments so you can cancel at any time.
Read all answers to your questions in our help center.
At New Faith Network we give our new users the first days free access to all our movies. All we need is to verify your information through a one-time payment of $0,04.
During the registration process we do ask you to already make a choice between either our monthly or yearly membership. The reason why we ask this, is so that when you’re happy with New Faith Network you don’t have to take any other actions to keep watching: after your free trial period of days you’re automatically registered with your chosen membership.
However, when you cancel your membership within the trial, you won’t pay anything.
Read all answers to your questions in our help center.
At New Faith Network we strongly dislike annoying contracts, commitments or cancellation fees. You can cancel your membership at any time, with 1 simple push on the button in your profile.
Read all answers to your questions in our help center.
You can easily watch New Faith Network on all your favourite devices:
TV: download our smart TV-app, watch on your Samsung, LG, Android-TV, AppleTV, stream with your Chromecast, or connect with your HDMI cable.
PC and laptop: go to to log in to your account.
Tablet and smartphone: download our free New Faith Network app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Read all answers to your questions in our help center.
You can watch New Faith Network on your own TV with the following options:
Smart TV: download our smart TV-app directly onto your TV. Read here how it works.
Google Chromecast: connect your smartphone or tablet to your TV with your Chromecast. Read here how it works.
Apple Airplay: do you have an iPhone or iPad and have Apple TV? Then you can also connect your phone or tablet with your TV through Apple TV. Read here how it works.
HDMI cable: when you don’t have the option to stream, you can always connect your laptop/PC directly to your TV via an HDMI cable. Read here how it works.
Read all answers to your questions in our help center.