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Filosofie, Wetenschap en God


"Examining the Relationship Between Science and the Existence of God: Insights from Conversations with Prominent Thinkers" The relationship between science and the existence of God has been a topic that has sparked discussion for a long time. While some argue that scientific findings demonstrate that God does not exist, including prominent figures like Professor Richard Dawkins and Professor Stephen Hawking, it is important to note that among high-level scientists and academics, there is a counter-current of thought that challenges this so-called 'attack on faith.' Within these debates, a group of prominent thinkers, including three renowned Oxford professors: Alister McGrath, John Lennox, and Keith Ward, play a central role. In their attempt to restore balance, they explore various issues relevant to this theme. These discussions, under the skillful guidance of Chris Jervis, are presented in a series of eight episodes, each lasting 20 minutes. Throughout this series, diverse topics are discussed and illuminated, with the aim of providing a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between science and faith.

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Filosofie, Wetenschap en God  poster image
Series details
Biblestudy, Documentary
Keith Ward, John Lennox, Alister McGrath, Chris Jervis
Release date
1-6-filosofie-wetenschap-en-god quote image
"Examining the Relationship Between Science and the Existence of God: Insights from Conversations with Prominent Thinkers" The relationship between science and the existence of God has been a topic that has sparked discussion for a long time. While some argue that scientific findings demonstrate that God does not exist, including prominent figures like Professor Richard Dawkins and Professor Stephen Hawking, it is important to note that among high-level scientists and academics, there is a counter-current of thought that challenges this so-called 'attack on faith.' Within these debates, a group of prominent thinkers, including three renowned Oxford professors: Alister McGrath, John Lennox, and Keith Ward, play a central role. In their attempt to restore balance, they explore various issues relevant to this theme. These discussions, under the skillful guidance of Chris Jervis, are presented in a series of eight episodes, each lasting 20 minutes. Throughout this series, diverse topics are discussed and illuminated, with the aim of providing a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between science and faith.

Filosofie, Wetenschap en God

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