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Assepoester van de Bijbel


Discover the captivating series 'Cinderella of the Bible' that focuses on the inspiring story of Esther, a regular girl who becomes a queen and makes bold choices. Dive deep into each episode, starting with the popular Emoji Challenge, and then play the game 'Who am I?' to discover who you truly are, just like Esther. Discover the courageous decisions of Mordechai and Esther, such as refusing to bow to Haman and standing up for their people. Experience their strategy that ultimately leads to the salvation of their people. The series ends with the powerful message of renewal through God. 'Cinderella of the Bible' combines interactive challenges with Bible stories, making it an educational and enjoyable experience for every viewer. Perfect for anyone looking for inspiration and insight into Esther's life.

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Discover the captivating series 'Cinderella of the Bible' that focuses on the inspiring story of Esther, a regular girl who becomes a queen and makes bold choices. Dive deep into each episode, starting with the popular Emoji Challenge, and then play the game 'Who am I?' to discover who you truly are, just like Esther. Discover the courageous decisions of Mordechai and Esther, such as refusing to bow to Haman and standing up for their people. Experience their strategy that ultimately leads to the salvation of their people. The series ends with the powerful message of renewal through God. 'Cinderella of the Bible' combines interactive challenges with Bible stories, making it an educational and enjoyable experience for every viewer. Perfect for anyone looking for inspiration and insight into Esther's life.

Assepoester van de Bijbel

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