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In 'The Perfect Race', sequel to 'Remember the Goal' we watch Coach Courtney Smith-Donnelly trying to help a female track-and-field athlete in a Christian college win the national title in cross country running. Courtney's special training methods and life lessons remind everyone of one thing... that, in order to win, one must first understand what it means to lose.
Movie details | ||
Genres | Sport, Drama | |
Actors | Harrison Stone, Brittany Goodwin, Allee Sutton Hethcoat, Jonathan Everett, Bethany Davenport, Clarence Gilyard Jr. | |
Directors | Dave Christiano | |
Release date | 2017 | |
Duration | 97 min | |
Languages | EN | |
Subtitles | PL, HU, FI, NB, DE, EL, EN, IT, SV, PT, ES, FR, NL, DA, RO |
In 'The Perfect Race', sequel to 'Remember the Goal' we watch Coach Courtney Smith-Donnelly trying to help a female track-and-field athlete in a Christian college win the national title in cross country running. Courtney's special training methods and life lessons remind everyone of one thing... that, in order to win, one must first understand what it means to lose.
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