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The Identical

Ryan Dexter Wade was adopted as a baby by a pastor couple. It soon becomes clear that he can sing, but his father feels that Ryan is called to follow in his footsteps as a pastor. However, Ryan does not feel called and chooses to take a different path. He breaks through as the adversary of grumpy Drexel Hamsley, unaware that he is his twin brother. But is this all? A letter from his real parents causes a lot of changes. A film about identity, dreams and God's inscrutable ways.

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Ryan Dexter Wade was adopted as a baby by a pastor couple. It soon becomes clear that he can sing, but his father feels that Ryan is called to follow in his footsteps as a pastor. However, Ryan does not feel called and chooses to take a different path. He breaks through as the adversary of grumpy Drexel Hamsley, unaware that he is his twin brother. But is this all? A letter from his real parents causes a lot of changes. A film about identity, dreams and God's inscrutable ways.

The Identical

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