Somebody's Child

Somebody's Child

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Douglas is a 37-year-old restaurant owner who also tries to take care of his sick mother, Constance. Constance suffers from a severe kidney disease, and while she's on dialysis in the hospital, they meet Benjamin. Benjamin is an ex-con trying to rehabilitate his life and now works as a janitor in the hospital. Constance persuades Douglas into offering Benjamin a job at his restaurant. But when Constance's kidneys are failing, she has a confession to make to Douglas on her deathbed. When she gave birth at 16 years old, she had twins. She wasn't able to take care of two babies so she had to give up one. Meaning; Douglas has a twin brother somewhere. A heartbreaking event that has been taunting his mother ever since. But what they don't know, is that their long lost son and brother might be closer than they expect, and that God shows his presence in mysterious ways sometimes.


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