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Sela live in Utrecht


For ages, Sela dreamed of making their songs sound in a place where God has been worshiped and praised for centuries. This registration was therefore recorded in the beautiful old Jacobikerk in Utrecht. The songs, which bridge the gap between the past and the present and draw on the rich tradition of the church, were massively sung by the public. Experience this unique concert yourself through images and sounds of the vulnerable, still moments of worship and outbursts of exuberant enthusiasm. The repertoire consists of well-known and also new songs, with the cooperation of gospel choir D-Light, Luca Genta and Peter & Frank van Essen.

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Sela live in Utrecht  poster image
Movie details
Release date
75 min
1-0-sela-live-in-utrecht quote image
For ages, Sela dreamed of making their songs sound in a place where God has been worshiped and praised for centuries. This registration was therefore recorded in the beautiful old Jacobikerk in Utrecht. The songs, which bridge the gap between the past and the present and draw on the rich tradition of the church, were massively sung by the public. Experience this unique concert yourself through images and sounds of the vulnerable, still moments of worship and outbursts of exuberant enthusiasm. The repertoire consists of well-known and also new songs, with the cooperation of gospel choir D-Light, Luca Genta and Peter & Frank van Essen.

Sela live in Utrecht

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