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Nine months ago, Sara's husband passed away. Now, Sara is trying to get closer to him by slowly completing the tasks in the bucket list he left behind. After a scooter accident, she comes into contact with Dr. Ryan. Having also lost his wife a little over a year ago, he knows exactly what Sara is going through. Soon, they decide to continue with the bucket list of Sara's late husband together. As the two start getting closer to each other, Sara can't help but wonder whether she's cheating on her late husband. Will their feelings last, given how complicated things are?
Nine months ago, Sara's husband passed away. Now, Sara is trying to get closer to him by slowly completing the tasks in the bucket list he left behind. After a scooter accident, she comes into contact with Dr. Ryan. Having also lost his wife a little over a year ago, he knows exactly what Sara is going through. Soon, they decide to continue with the bucket list of Sara's late husband together. As the two start getting closer to each other, Sara can't help but wonder whether she's cheating on her late husband. Will their feelings last, given how complicated things are?
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