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Will, in an attempt to escape from his troubled home life, digs for antique bottles in the woods. While off on his unique hobby, he encounters Darby, a mysterious man who is also a bottle hunter. Darby leads Will to a treasure trove of bottle buried deep at the bottom of an old Privy. Will and Darby strike up a friendship as they dig the Privy, and Darby begins to help Will navigate his tough circumstances at home. But Will soon discovers that Darby is more than he presents himself to be, and Will is thrown into a whirlwind of strife that he never saw coming.
Will, in an attempt to escape from his troubled home life, digs for antique bottles in the woods. While off on his unique hobby, he encounters Darby, a mysterious man who is also a bottle hunter. Darby leads Will to a treasure trove of bottle buried deep at the bottom of an old Privy. Will and Darby strike up a friendship as they dig the Privy, and Darby begins to help Will navigate his tough circumstances at home. But Will soon discovers that Darby is more than he presents himself to be, and Will is thrown into a whirlwind of strife that he never saw coming.
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