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One More Round


Since ducking out just minutes before he was to enter the ring for the fight of his life, boxer Jake Taylor hasn't been able to get things back on track. A decade later, he's in a dead-end job, his marriage is rocky and his house is on the brink of foreclosure. He trusts that God can provide, but doesn't see it happening as he'd like. Just when Jake thinks he can't get up one more time, his trainers track him down. Will one more round in the ring bring redemption?

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One More Round  poster image
Movie details
Sport, Drama
Kevin Sorbo, Tommy Lee Thomas
Chip Rossetti
Release date
89 min
Verenigde Staten
1-0-one-more-round quote image
Since ducking out just minutes before he was to enter the ring for the fight of his life, boxer Jake Taylor hasn't been able to get things back on track. A decade later, he's in a dead-end job, his marriage is rocky and his house is on the brink of foreclosure. He trusts that God can provide, but doesn't see it happening as he'd like. Just when Jake thinks he can't get up one more time, his trainers track him down. Will one more round in the ring bring redemption?

One More Round

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