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Matti is back in her hometown for her sister's wedding. But she's not as happy as she'd like to be on such a day; her boyfriend just broke up with her, and she didn't get the promotion she wanted for so long. Soon, she encounters her old flame in her father's garage. As if that wasn't enough, more unexpected things happen: her ex-boyfriend tries to win her back, and her boss tries to lure her back with a great job. So, Matti is faced with a dilemma. Should she choose the career she's always dreamed of, or run away with the love of her life?
Matti is back in her hometown for her sister's wedding. But she's not as happy as she'd like to be on such a day; her boyfriend just broke up with her, and she didn't get the promotion she wanted for so long. Soon, she encounters her old flame in her father's garage. As if that wasn't enough, more unexpected things happen: her ex-boyfriend tries to win her back, and her boss tries to lure her back with a great job. So, Matti is faced with a dilemma. Should she choose the career she's always dreamed of, or run away with the love of her life?
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