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Love Again


Nathan's life seems to be perfect. Until his girlfriend falls in love with his best friend. Heartbroken, Nathan flees to a small island. After living in isolation for 7 years, he returns to his old life. He develops a close relationship with an old acquaintance, who slowly starts to impress him. Gradually, he learns that, in order to move on, he must forgive and learn to love again.

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Movie details
Drama, Romance
Kevin Sorbo, Kelsey Sanders, Shelley Long, Jason Burkey, Ben Davies
Spenser Fritz, Chuck Howard, Brad Allen
Release date
102 min
Verenigde Staten
1-0-love-again quote image
Nathan's life seems to be perfect. Until his girlfriend falls in love with his best friend. Heartbroken, Nathan flees to a small island. After living in isolation for 7 years, he returns to his old life. He develops a close relationship with an old acquaintance, who slowly starts to impress him. Gradually, he learns that, in order to move on, he must forgive and learn to love again.

Love Again

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