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Like Dandelion Dust


Molly and Jack Campbell have everything their heart desires. A great house in an expensive neighborhood, a well-paid job and a beautiful little boy named Joey. Life couldn't be better. Until it appears that Joey's adoption papers are not valid. Joey's biological father, Rip, has served his sentence in prison and wants his son back. He discovers that his signature was falsified by Joey's mother among the adoption papers. A judge agrees with Rip and declares the adoption invalid. Joey, who has never known anyone but his parents, suddenly finds himself in a turbulent household with people he doesn't know and, above all, a father who doesn't know how to show love without using violence. Molly and Jack seize every opportunity to get Joey back, but always run into walls. Do they dare to trust God that He will offer a solution? Can they let go of their son to save him that way?

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Movie details
Family, Forgiveness
L. Scott Caldwell, Mira Sorvino, Cole Hauser, Barry Pepper, Kate Levering, Maxwell Perry Cotton
Jon Gunn
Release date
104 min
Verenigde Staten
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Molly and Jack Campbell have everything their heart desires. A great house in an expensive neighborhood, a well-paid job and a beautiful little boy named Joey. Life couldn't be better. Until it appears that Joey's adoption papers are not valid. Joey's biological father, Rip, has served his sentence in prison and wants his son back. He discovers that his signature was falsified by Joey's mother among the adoption papers. A judge agrees with Rip and declares the adoption invalid. Joey, who has never known anyone but his parents, suddenly finds himself in a turbulent household with people he doesn't know and, above all, a father who doesn't know how to show love without using violence. Molly and Jack seize every opportunity to get Joey back, but always run into walls. Do they dare to trust God that He will offer a solution? Can they let go of their son to save him that way?

Like Dandelion Dust

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