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This powerful documentary is about the life of mother Antonia (Mary Clark). An American nun who has chosen to live among the prisoners in the La Mesa Penitentiary prison in Mexico. Mother Antonia wants to show something of the grace and love of Jesus through her lifestyle. After a comfortable life in California, Antionia received a calling from God to serve the prisoners. In this film, discover the incredible story of the nun who made the choice to stay in prison for the rest of her life.
This powerful documentary is about the life of mother Antonia (Mary Clark). An American nun who has chosen to live among the prisoners in the La Mesa Penitentiary prison in Mexico. Mother Antonia wants to show something of the grace and love of Jesus through her lifestyle. After a comfortable life in California, Antionia received a calling from God to serve the prisoners. In this film, discover the incredible story of the nun who made the choice to stay in prison for the rest of her life.
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