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A documentary about the cross in the dunes of Valkenisse. Colin Bal finds out by accident that the cross is in a very bad shape and he decides to make sure that a new cross will be put there. Then he does some research about the background of the cross, about the six men that were executed there. On September 11th, 1944, the first five men were executed in those dunes, and on September 19th the sixth and last execution followed. Six men, all found guilty for different reasons, given the death penalty by bullet.
Movie details | ||
Genres | War, Documentary, True Story | |
Directors | Klaas van de Ketterij | |
Duration | 32 min | |
Countries | Nederland | |
Languages | EN |
A documentary about the cross in the dunes of Valkenisse. Colin Bal finds out by accident that the cross is in a very bad shape and he decides to make sure that a new cross will be put there. Then he does some research about the background of the cross, about the six men that were executed there. On September 11th, 1944, the first five men were executed in those dunes, and on September 19th the sixth and last execution followed. Six men, all found guilty for different reasons, given the death penalty by bullet.
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