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Hearts & Vines


Hannah and Cash are the two hosts of a popular home improvement show. Hannah has let her new agent get in her head and it turned her into somewhat of a diva. When Hannah's egomaniac antrics expose the entire cast and crew to a contagious virus, Hannah is forced to quarantine for two weeks at the winery they were going to improve. Cash, quarantined with Hannah while the rest of the crew is located at a hotel nearby, has the idea to turn the winery into a winter wonderland and organize a festival for the town. While Hannah and Cash aren't usually the ones doing the building, they get distant help from their crew and are forced to film everything with their smartphones. But when Cash also gets very sick, Hannah has to do it all by herself, all the while nursing Cash back to health as well. And soon Hannah finds out that she has more feelings for Cash than she thought. Will Hannah be able to find sponsors to donate renovation supplies and christmas decorations for the episode, and will they manage to finish on time?

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Movie details
Taryn Hacker, Paulie Calafiore, Kenney Myers, Cara Maria Sorbello, Monika Mannix, Jon Hacker
Candice T. Cain
Release date
86 min
Verenigde Staten
1-0-hearts-and-vines quote image
Hannah and Cash are the two hosts of a popular home improvement show. Hannah has let her new agent get in her head and it turned her into somewhat of a diva. When Hannah's egomaniac antrics expose the entire cast and crew to a contagious virus, Hannah is forced to quarantine for two weeks at the winery they were going to improve. Cash, quarantined with Hannah while the rest of the crew is located at a hotel nearby, has the idea to turn the winery into a winter wonderland and organize a festival for the town. While Hannah and Cash aren't usually the ones doing the building, they get distant help from their crew and are forced to film everything with their smartphones. But when Cash also gets very sick, Hannah has to do it all by herself, all the while nursing Cash back to health as well. And soon Hannah finds out that she has more feelings for Cash than she thought. Will Hannah be able to find sponsors to donate renovation supplies and christmas decorations for the episode, and will they manage to finish on time?

Hearts & Vines

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