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Based on the true story. A young man reluctantly enters the navy to become a diver, all to to please his father. What he doesn't know then yet, is that he later finds himself in the most dangerous spy mission of the Cold War. Though he had trusted Christ for salvation he still wants a say in deciding what to do with his live, making this dive an obsession for him. From the 21 divers, only 8 get to make the actual dive. Amidst a battle amonst the divers to be one the eight chosen ones, he wants to do whatever it takes to become one of them. A film about the betrayal of the operation to the Soviets, their response, the dangers involved, and impact this operation had on the Cold War.
Based on the true story. A young man reluctantly enters the navy to become a diver, all to to please his father. What he doesn't know then yet, is that he later finds himself in the most dangerous spy mission of the Cold War. Though he had trusted Christ for salvation he still wants a say in deciding what to do with his live, making this dive an obsession for him. From the 21 divers, only 8 get to make the actual dive. Amidst a battle amonst the divers to be one the eight chosen ones, he wants to do whatever it takes to become one of them. A film about the betrayal of the operation to the Soviets, their response, the dangers involved, and impact this operation had on the Cold War.
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