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De Zeven Spiegels


When Ralph loses both his parents at once, he struggles with a depression. After a year of taking medication, Ralph's psychiatrist thinks it's time to gradually taper of the drugs. Ralph doesn't listen though and stops taking them at once, against the psychiatrists advice. When Ralph has his next usual appointment on a rainy day, his psychiatrist feels, as unusual as it is, compelled to speak himself this time and tell Ralph a dramatic story with the help of a mysterious painting on the wall.

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Movie details
Drama, Fantasy
Perry Mulder, Hans Diederix, Tamara Bosma, Aris Julian, Peter 't Hart, Wesley Karstens, Hendrik Hamming, Ivan Groenheijde
Jacob-Carl Pauw
Release date
58 min
1-0-de-zeven-spiegels quote image
When Ralph loses both his parents at once, he struggles with a depression. After a year of taking medication, Ralph's psychiatrist thinks it's time to gradually taper of the drugs. Ralph doesn't listen though and stops taking them at once, against the psychiatrists advice. When Ralph has his next usual appointment on a rainy day, his psychiatrist feels, as unusual as it is, compelled to speak himself this time and tell Ralph a dramatic story with the help of a mysterious painting on the wall.

De Zeven Spiegels

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