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Born Again


Mark Miller is a succesful man, having the best life he could wish for: a good job, a big house, an amazing wife. Many dream about his life, he lives it every day. But it only takes one moment to change everything. When his boss tells him the company he works for is on the verge of bankruptcy, he gets fired. Bill cannot be paid, he loses his car, his house, and he is close to losing his wife. While his life falls apart, he finds God. Together with his wife he must find strength in his faith in order to persevere during the hardest times of their lives.

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Mark Miller is a succesful man, having the best life he could wish for: a good job, a big house, an amazing wife. Many dream about his life, he lives it every day. But it only takes one moment to change everything. When his boss tells him the company he works for is on the verge of bankruptcy, he gets fired. Bill cannot be paid, he loses his car, his house, and he is close to losing his wife. While his life falls apart, he finds God. Together with his wife he must find strength in his faith in order to persevere during the hardest times of their lives.

Born Again

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