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Be the Light


Celina had a troubled youth, worsened by a rift with her father Ramon when she got pregnant. After years apart, she learns he has cancer and returns, spurred by a letter from her friend Marvin. Though unwelcome, she joins the community to fund Ramon's surgery through a music contest. Despite their strained relationship, music and faith might mend their bond as they aim for healing, love, and forgiveness.

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Movie details
Drama, Music
Malcolm Goodwin, Cara Santana, Michael Delorenzo
Malcolm Goodwin
Release date
109 min
Verenigde Staten
1-0-be-the-light quote image
Celina had a troubled youth, worsened by a rift with her father Ramon when she got pregnant. After years apart, she learns he has cancer and returns, spurred by a letter from her friend Marvin. Though unwelcome, she joins the community to fund Ramon's surgery through a music contest. Despite their strained relationship, music and faith might mend their bond as they aim for healing, love, and forgiveness.

Be the Light

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