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26-year-old Cora is sentenced to a community service at a prayer call-center, led by pastor Bill. But both the pastor and the call-center are not entirely what they appear to be from the outside: they are promoting religious subscriptions and donations to their callers. Where everybody acts as if they're one big happy team, most of them are in higher need of prayers than the callers themselves. Cora naturally wants nothing to do with it. But when pastor Bill threatens to rat her out to the Judge, Cora has no other option than to play along. Just not always according to the script. She might even give some unreligious advices. But when a man finds her in real life, he claims that she saved his life. And the longer Cora works at the call-center, the more she realizes that she's making a difference in the callers' lives, and the more open she becomes to the idea of faith. Can it help her make peace with her past?
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