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Andrew Murray - Afrika voor Christus


Discover the life of Andrew Murray, a South African pastor, writer, and revival preacher. For sixty years he served the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa with his sermons and teaching. He also wrote more than 200 books and pamphlets. Murray became internationally known for his books, many of which are still regarded today as Christian classics. Murray saw the need for complete surrender to God and the importance of a profound, personal Christian life. Filmed on location in South Africa, this documentary tells the story of the life and mission of Andrew Murray and provides insight into his challenging proclamation.

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Movie details
History, Documentary
Crawford Telfor
Gary Wilkinson
Release date
53 min
Verenigde Staten
1-0-andrew-murray quote image
Discover the life of Andrew Murray, a South African pastor, writer, and revival preacher. For sixty years he served the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa with his sermons and teaching. He also wrote more than 200 books and pamphlets. Murray became internationally known for his books, many of which are still regarded today as Christian classics. Murray saw the need for complete surrender to God and the importance of a profound, personal Christian life. Filmed on location in South Africa, this documentary tells the story of the life and mission of Andrew Murray and provides insight into his challenging proclamation.

Andrew Murray - Afrika voor Christus

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