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A Time to Dance


John and Abby have been married for years, but their marriage doesn't really work anymore. They want to get a divorce, but then their daughter announces her wedding! Divorce is not an option now, so John and Abby put their problems aside for a while to give her an unforgettable day. But in the meantime, they grow closer to each other again through all this... A beautiful movie about the power of love. The movie is based on the well-known book by Karen Kingsbury.

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A Time to Dance  poster image
Movie details
Drama, Romance
Ona Grauer, Chanelle Peloso, Jennie Garth, Dan Payne, Fiona Vroom, Corbin Bernsen
Mike Rohl
Release date
87 min
1-0-a-time-to-dance quote image
John and Abby have been married for years, but their marriage doesn't really work anymore. They want to get a divorce, but then their daughter announces her wedding! Divorce is not an option now, so John and Abby put their problems aside for a while to give her an unforgettable day. But in the meantime, they grow closer to each other again through all this... A beautiful movie about the power of love. The movie is based on the well-known book by Karen Kingsbury.

A Time to Dance

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