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Het Kleine Huis op de Prairie

In the town of Walnut Grove in Minnesota, Charles Ingalls, assisted by his wife Caroline and their daughters, builds a farm on the prairie. Despite setbacks such as crop failures, debts, and natural disasters, the family stays close to each other and helps the community when needed. Their lives are enriched by friendships and challenges in this nostalgic family series, inspired by the books of Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Spróbuj teraz
Het Kleine Huis op de Prairie  poster image
Szczegóły serii
Preria, Dramat, Rodzina
Rachel Lindsay Greenbush, Melissa Sue Anderson, Sidney Greenbush, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Michael Landon
Michael Landon, William F. Claxton
Data wydania
Verenigde Staten
1-6-little-house-on-the-prairie quote image

In the town of Walnut Grove in Minnesota, Charles Ingalls, assisted by his wife Caroline and their daughters, builds a farm on the prairie. Despite setbacks such as crop failures, debts, and natural disasters, the family stays close to each other and helps the community when needed. Their lives are enriched by friendships and challenges in this nostalgic family series, inspired by the books of Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Het Kleine Huis op de Prairie

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

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