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A letter to Dad

In this poignant story, Dan's life is marked by a turbulent relationship with his bitter, distant father and the loss of his mother. Struggling with childhood neglect, Dan confronts his father, leading to a raw emotional showdown. Through friends and family, including Kathy who faces her own battles, Dan discovers shared pain and takes steps towards reconciliation. Embracing forgiveness, he writes a heartfelt letter to his mother, symbolising closure and strength. Dan's journey ends with hope and a brighter future, celebrating the enduring bonds of family.

Spróbuj teraz
Szczegóły filmu
Paul Gleason, Janice Lynde, John Ashton, Corin Nemec, Thom Mathews, Mario Van Peebles
Johnny Remo
Data wydania
Czas trwania
79 min
Verenigde Staten
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In this poignant story, Dan's life is marked by a turbulent relationship with his bitter, distant father and the loss of his mother. Struggling with childhood neglect, Dan confronts his father, leading to a raw emotional showdown. Through friends and family, including Kathy who faces her own battles, Dan discovers shared pain and takes steps towards reconciliation. Embracing forgiveness, he writes a heartfelt letter to his mother, symbolising closure and strength. Dan's journey ends with hope and a brighter future, celebrating the enduring bonds of family.

A letter to Dad

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