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A letter to Dad

In this poignant story, Dan's life is marked by a turbulent relationship with his bitter, distant father and the loss of his mother. Struggling with childhood neglect, Dan confronts his father, leading to a raw emotional showdown. Through friends and family, including Kathy who faces her own battles, Dan discovers shared pain and takes steps towards reconciliation. Embracing forgiveness, he writes a heartfelt letter to his mother, symbolising closure and strength. Dan's journey ends with hope and a brighter future, celebrating the enduring bonds of family.

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Detalles de la película
Paul Gleason, Janice Lynde, John Ashton, Corin Nemec, Thom Mathews, Mario Van Peebles
Johnny Remo
Fecha de lanzamiento
79 min
Verenigde Staten
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In this poignant story, Dan's life is marked by a turbulent relationship with his bitter, distant father and the loss of his mother. Struggling with childhood neglect, Dan confronts his father, leading to a raw emotional showdown. Through friends and family, including Kathy who faces her own battles, Dan discovers shared pain and takes steps towards reconciliation. Embracing forgiveness, he writes a heartfelt letter to his mother, symbolising closure and strength. Dan's journey ends with hope and a brighter future, celebrating the enduring bonds of family.

A letter to Dad

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