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Word-for-word Bible texts of the entire book of Luke are narrated and re-enacted in this epic and critically acclaimed production of the Gospel's accounts of Jesus's life. t is a vivid chronicle of Jesus' teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection. A great watch around Easter!
Szczegóły filmu | ||
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Gatunki | Bijbel, Wielkanoc | |
Aktorzy | Mourad Zaoui, Abdelilah Wahbi, Karima Gouit, Selva Rasalingam, Abdelaziz N'Mila, El Mahmoudi M'Barek | |
Dyrektorzy | David Batty | |
Data wydania | 2015 | |
Czas trwania | 139 min | |
Kraje | Verenigde Staten, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Marokko | |
Języki | EN | |
Napisy | NB, EN |
Word-for-word Bible texts of the entire book of Luke are narrated and re-enacted in this epic and critically acclaimed production of the Gospel's accounts of Jesus's life. t is a vivid chronicle of Jesus' teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection. A great watch around Easter!
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