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Love's Long Journey

Continuing from Love's Enduring Promise, Missie and Willie embark on a challenging journey as they leave family behind to start anew in a rundown homestead in the Wild West. Amidst hard farm work and the impending arrival of their first child, they encounter Native Americans and outlaws, testing their love and faith. As danger looms with a bandit plot, they must rely on each other and divine help to prevail.

Spróbuj teraz
Szczegóły filmu
Preria, Dramat, Romans, Rodzina
Erin Cottrell, William Morgan Sheppard, Logan Bartholomew
Michael Landon Jr.
Data wydania
Czas trwania
82 min
Verenigde Staten
1-0-loves-long-journey-2005 quote image

Continuing from Love's Enduring Promise, Missie and Willie embark on a challenging journey as they leave family behind to start anew in a rundown homestead in the Wild West. Amidst hard farm work and the impending arrival of their first child, they encounter Native Americans and outlaws, testing their love and faith. As danger looms with a bandit plot, they must rely on each other and divine help to prevail.

Love's Long Journey

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