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Snuf de hond en het spookslot


Tom, Mirjam and Snuf are staying at the farm of uncle Hans and cousin Jaap. A dangerous smuggling gang is active in the area. Yet they go into the woods with Jaap for an old ghost castle. There appears to be a legend attached to this, the legend of Zwarte Bertram, also called * the curse of jealousy *. A gang of smugglers has settled in the castle. Detective Barninkhof is looking for this gang, which is constantly striking. When Tom sees someone in the ghost castle, nobody seems to believe him. To prove it, Tom decides to go on research alone, together with Snuf..Watch also the other adventures of Snuf de Hond, in ** [Snuff de Hond and the hunt for the flying Volckert] (https: // newfaithnetwork .nl / video / 1-0-snuff-flying-volckert-1) ** and ** [Snuff the Dog in wartime] ( 1) **.

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Dettagli del film
Howard van Dodemont, Ydwer Bosma, Joosje Duk, Pim Wessels, Michiel de Jong, Bart de Vries
Erwin van den Eshof, Steven de Jong
Data di rilascio
79 min
1-0-snuf-de-hond-en-het-spookslot quote image
Tom, Mirjam and Snuf are staying at the farm of uncle Hans and cousin Jaap. A dangerous smuggling gang is active in the area. Yet they go into the woods with Jaap for an old ghost castle. There appears to be a legend attached to this, the legend of Zwarte Bertram, also called * the curse of jealousy *. A gang of smugglers has settled in the castle. Detective Barninkhof is looking for this gang, which is constantly striking. When Tom sees someone in the ghost castle, nobody seems to believe him. To prove it, Tom decides to go on research alone, together with Snuf..Watch also the other adventures of Snuf de Hond, in ** [Snuff de Hond and the hunt for the flying Volckert] (https: // newfaithnetwork .nl / video / 1-0-snuff-flying-volckert-1) ** and ** [Snuff the Dog in wartime] ( 1) **.

Snuf de hond en het spookslot

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