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Caleb is an aspiring skateboarder and aims to go pro to support his mother. He stumbles upon old letters, leading him to seek out his absentee father Jack when his mother falls ill. Their reunion starts of rough and Jack reveals he had his reasons to leave all those years ago. Aided by a Christian mentor, Caleb navigates a path of healing, understanding, and transformation, finding solace in faith and the act of forgiveness amidst life's trials.

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Dettagli del film
Jason Dundas, John Schneider, Matthew Ziff, Christopher Michael, Rosanna Arquette, Sean Michael Afable, Randy Wayne
Johnny Remo
Data di rilascio
111 min
Verenigde Staten
1-0-hardflip quote image
Caleb is an aspiring skateboarder and aims to go pro to support his mother. He stumbles upon old letters, leading him to seek out his absentee father Jack when his mother falls ill. Their reunion starts of rough and Jack reveals he had his reasons to leave all those years ago. Aided by a Christian mentor, Caleb navigates a path of healing, understanding, and transformation, finding solace in faith and the act of forgiveness amidst life's trials.


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