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Cooking with love


Kelly is a producer at The Little Gourmet, a TV show for children who cook. When the presenter/head chef drops out at the last minute, she urgently needs to find a replacement. That becomes the handsome, but also arrogant head chef Stephen. Meanwhile, Kelly is also trying to get a promotion for next season, but her colleague is going to extremes to also have a chance. Will Kelly manage to save the show and secure her own future?

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Dettagli del film
Ali Liebert, Brett Dalton, Kimberley Sustad, Aria Birch, Janet Kidder
Jem Garrard
Data di rilascio
82 min
1-0-cooking-with-love quote image
Kelly is a producer at The Little Gourmet, a TV show for children who cook. When the presenter/head chef drops out at the last minute, she urgently needs to find a replacement. That becomes the handsome, but also arrogant head chef Stephen. Meanwhile, Kelly is also trying to get a promotion for next season, but her colleague is going to extremes to also have a chance. Will Kelly manage to save the show and secure her own future?

Cooking with love

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