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God with us


John the Baptist tells the amazing story of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born into a world that did not accept him, but he brought hope with the miracles he performed by healing the unwell, resurrecting the deceased and giving up His life for us. He ultimately overcame death and resurrected from the grave.

A truly magnificent animated adaptation that manages to engage the younger as well as the more mature audiences!

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Détails du film
Robert Fernandez
89 min
Verenigde Staten
1-0-god-with-us quote image
John the Baptist tells the amazing story of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born into a world that did not accept him, but he brought hope with the miracles he performed by healing the unwell, resurrecting the deceased and giving up His life for us. He ultimately overcame death and resurrected from the grave. A truly magnificent animated adaptation that manages to engage the younger as well as the more mature audiences!

God with us

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