Ei saatavilla maassasi
Steve and Jasmine have the perfect life, their marriage is going well, the kids are about to go to college, and they have good jobs. But one day, Jasmine becomes the victim of an assault, and it threatens to tear everything apart. She can't tell Steve what happened, and all she can think about is taking revenge on the man who hurt her. Will Jasmine be able to move on by forgiving, or will she allow hatred to overcome her?
Kaikki sisältö tarkistetaan muokkaajiemme toimesta ennen kuin se tulee saataville. Nauti turvallisesta katselukokemuksesta.
Erityisesti lapsille meillä on hauskimmat elokuvat ja sarjat. Anna heidän nauttia iloisista ja opettavaisista tarinoista.
Emme pidä sitoumuksista. Voit peruuttaa tilauksesi helposti milloin tahansa.